Saturday, 13 September 2008

Ma right hand.. Huhuhu

Hey readers!

its nearly 10.30pm now and im doin my homework, blogging at the same time.. Hee..

im not feelin really well today, havin flu + my right hand sakit..
Last night, ibu asked me to tutup the toilet's window..
Since the window tinggi, so i climbed the toilet bowl and suddenly i SLIPPED...
The worst part was my hand still dekat the window!!
can u imagine the window tinggi,
my hand still pegang the window's handle
and i jatoh ke bawah(of course! Mane ade jatoh ke atas! =p) haishh! I thought my hand tercabut seh!
But i didnt even shed a tear coz im a SUPERWOMAN!
hahaha right baby? =p
cheyh2 bebual mcm paham.. Hahaha..

so yeah, went to muchdieni lagy semalam ambik my things kat rudy..
Then met ADY PAPZ..
When me+ibu+rudy+ady= SUPERCRAZY.. =D
Hahaha we're havin so much fun lastnight..
And oh yeah, today's papz's birthday!
mudahan panjang umur and murah rezki ah papz ahh...
Bila lanja makan ne?? Haha
and yeah! Stop CANDID-ing Me u PAPARAZZI!! :@

so yeah, then balek rumah jer teros tido.. Penat.. Huhu
then my phone rings at 1.39am.. (hey love! Haha)
then we talked for few minutes lepas tu tido balek..
Tp tido2 ayam jer..
Ibu woke me up at 3.30am for sahur then teman2 ibu kemas rumah sampai 4.30am..
See i very the rajin di subuh2 hari.. Ahaks!
Then baring2 on my bed,
Konon nak tido uh ni..
tp tak jugak tido2 mata nih! Haha
at 5.09am, my phone rings, again.. Haha
we talked sampai 6.45am..
We had a very fun conversation!
We laughed like anything! :p
after that teros mandi coz actually i got school! haha
daring kan? Hehe I KNOW! =p
class starts at 7.45am, so yeahhh...
Went home from school at 11.50am.. =)

i was so sleepy, so lepas solat zohor je terus pengsan seyh..
Ibu went shoppin with my lil cousin FITRI..

basically, not much to share la today..
I need to stop now la coz my hand dh tak leh tahan nak type lg ni.. Sob sob =(


putri ;) xoxo