Tuesday, 11 August 2009


i couldnt sleep that well lastnight...........
so here i am blogging pagi2 buta ni.. hah..


lastnight had dancepractise with all the PHUTUREPHASERS and EPIC RHYTHM DANCERS...
was really fun coz semua dah hafal pattern and all.. heee
and oh yeahh...
met Zehra Zambri lastnight... she's a malaysian singer *incase y'all tak tau*
i've met her once before.. but that was long time ago..
dier lagy satu show with AYAH at that time..
and i was 13 at that time and Zehra mase tu 17.. hehehe
diorang ader kat sini for TEMASYA PANTUN (MoU RTB/RTM)....
met ABON the comedian jugak and ramai lagi la delegates from Malaysia... :)) heee
tp tak ambik gambar laa coz we all like very the berpeluh because of that dancepractise.. heee
maybe next time yeahhh... :))

so yeah, KEBETULAN, my baju dengan baju ANDY dekat sama! hahahah
cana bulih atu ah Andy? buriiing ehhh... hahaha ;ppp
i didnt realise it tau till someone tegur.. booyahh!! LOL.

SEE?! hahaha

ha.. thats ME..

okay thats ANDY..

Andy, Faiz, Betty & Moon.. at the back JACKO AND JOE M :)

hee thats BETTY and ka MOON :D

thats LO RYDER with his ehem2.. ehee inda pu3 tau namanya.. huhu

oh awu... met ASDE P2F jua lastnight.. heheh he was complaining that payah kan cakap Malaysia since diorang perform with Malaysian Artistes... hehee
kiut! haha inda apa2 Asde.. lama2 pandai tu... minta ajar arah ADEB..

sure laa Adeb has no problem kan since he's half Bruneian Half Singaporean :)
standard malay gerenti takde hal punyee la kan bro...? hahaha
eh... lamer tak jumpe Adeb kan? and and aunty suzanne.. hee rindu larhh... :(

anyways, yeahh the dancepractise habis lambat..
but then ibu dah tak boleh tahan mengantuk coz dah brape hari ni asyik tido lambat jee..
so pu3 gerak from SG.AKAR pukuk 11pm...
lebih awal from the rest...
yang lain masih stay doing runthrough..

so today, i mean tonight...
will have another dancepractise + shooting behind the scene lagy...
so for sure tonight pu3 gonna stay sampai everything's done..

now my mata getting heavier yaw.. haha
later got class... huhuhu
wooohhhh asiiiikkk! :DD haha

guess i just have to force myself to sleep lahh kan...
if not gerenti tetido later during the lecture.. HAHAHA mamposs...

and my demam macam tak elok2 lagy..
flu flu go away lahhh.... susah lah gini.... :((
i need loadsa rest la kan? but then..

my shooting starts 13th ni.. sampai 16th..
and this 14th i got show at Empiretheatre for BRIDEX..
maybe after 16th baru boleh rehat betol2..
tu pun kalau takde hal mendadak kann? ehe

yeahh.. tonight LOVE ader "work"... so havee fun yang.. :))

i think i better end this post here..
this "seme2" really annoyes me lahh.. cannot tahan lagy... kena cari ubat uh after this..
k people.. ciao~


putri ;) xoxo