pu3's back! Wheehee..
As i promised, i'll be back in Feb ayte?
Its the first day of the second month of the year 2009!
=_= okay thats confusing.. Hahaha *merepeks*
yaw! How's things??
Hee miss me tak? Miss me tak?
Awww... I knew it! I miss you too peepz.. :p haha
but yalohh, I seriously do MISS KAMUUHH... (",)
wow! Now dah masuk february..
Sungguh cepat masa berlalu.. *kauuu, takleh angkats* :p
january pun dah lepas dengan sekelip mata..
To me, it had been a tough start la for 2009..
Macam2 betul dugaan..
tp takpelah kan..
Semua yang terjadi itu pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya.. ^_^
so now, lets blog about my busy times towards the end of january ye? (:
well... I was with LOVE♥...
Spent few days with him and his family...
We had a great time right LOVE? :D
having the Myojo Mee together, do the crazy dance together, singing Adibah Nor's Kau Terlalu Istimewa with hairdryer dekat depan cermin *konon2 ader angin kuat mcm dlm videoclip! Haha*, u maen guitar and we nyanyi together, singing 'MAKE IT WORK' in the car, dengar all the songs in my phone sama2..
Ape lagy eyh?
Urmm... Aaahh!
Do the 'BERITA BESOK' interview! :p hahaha
Oh God! I just miss you baby :'(
and, The Sisters! :D
i rindu them like a whole lot....
Luckily that time it was Chinese New Year, so orang cuti la kann...
So yeah, spent some time with them jugak...
Jalan2 kat eastcoast...
Ambik gambar banyak2..
Nyanyi our fave songs...... ((:
makan Mc.D! :D
gereks wa cakap lu.. Hehehe
and ouh, i did tell you that im involved in Simfoni Tanahair kn?
Yeah, yesterday was the day..
It went well.. :)
its actually recorded since its just a semi-final kan..
Fyi, Simfoni Tanahair is a Song Writing competition..
So pu3 diberi kepercayaan untuk menyanyikan lagu ciptaan Rosman Masri.. :)
i was told that the result will be announced on Monday and that would be tomorrow..
So lets pray that lagu Rosman tu akan terpilih for the final alright? :))
and yesterday i woke up early..
Not really early la kan around 8am gitu.. Hehe
LOVE and Mia kebetulan texted me..
I've to go to school to take my O'Level Statement of Results..
So yeah before mandi, i talked to LOVE sekejap.. Heee
then biler dh siap sumer, asked ibu to drive me to school..
Sampai2 je kat Stpri, i waited for Mia sebab janji nak ambik slip sama2..
While waiting, met Safura and Qidah and kitorang borak2 la kejap..
And Safura, she's funny like berabizly (bila jua inda!) hahaha
love herr.. Hahaha
then few minutes later, Mia pun sampai....
*wah? Macam storytelling pulak ek.. Haha*
i was surprised that Mia dah kurus laa..
Cheyh3.. Lose weight ia udah..
Mira!! Banar ni banar! Si Mia kurus udah! Hehehehe
nanti ku mempost gambarnya ah mun kau inda picaya.. Haha
and oh yeah, met ikah a.k.a Pikong! Hehe
i miss you wah.. Hehe
long time no see! After almost 2 years kau jadi orang putih di States! Haha
makin lawaa yaaa.. Heee
welcome home baybehh! *mcm keaheran jua aku becakap cemani ani kan* ;p
ouh ouh, ramai yang tanya about my O'level result..
happy me! Hehe
terima kasih atas doa awda semua..
And A BIG THANKS to all my teachers for all the guidance for the past 5 years pu3 di STPRI..
Semoga Allah membalas segala jasa baik kalian..
Amin3 Ya Rabbal 'Alamin ;)
okay okay, back to the story then dh tengahari i went straight to RTB to do my makeup..
Then change baju and did my dance practise with my dancers-terjun at the assembly area.. Haha
kira ala2 bidan terjun la tu eyh..
And then FM pun dah bising2 suruh get ready kat Dewan raya..
And the recording started at 3pm..
Finished at 4plus..
then blablabla.. We balik... ;D
hahahaha now, idk what else to blog about..
so dengan itu Wabillahittaufik Walhidayah..
Wassalamu'alaikumwarahmatullahiwabarkatuh ;)))
wheeee.. Toodles~
putri ;) xoxo