Tuesday, 31 March 2009
El-nin-yo! Huhu
time-checked : its exactly 12.50pm :)
i woke up at 6.30am tdi actually then i called LOVE..
He turned in really early lastnight coz he was having a bad headache..
Im sure he was really exhausted tu yesterday pasal dier ade keje in the morning so bangun pun nak kene awal..
huhu anyways, have enough rest LOVE..
oh yeah, yesterday *in the afternoon*
i was online with my bestfriend, MIA :)
gosh! I really miss her!
She told me bout this maths guy..
sweet sweet myah! Bh sama ia saja kau! :D *winkwink*
aku doakan kau.. And and, nantiku bgtau Mira suruh doa for u jua! Hehehe
Mira confirm support tu sal ia suka maths! *oouutttt ;p * hahaha
and oh yeah, then naj came along..
So we had a group chat lah..
But then i guess naj's connection was a bit slow so yeah we didnt chat lamer..
and yeah, tengahari tu jugak My LOVE texted me dier baru habis keje.. :)
so heeee.. We were texting sampai petang.. :)
kan pu3 online, then i saw LOVE'S MOMMY online..
We had a lil chitchat.. :)
its really great to hear from her :)
aww.. Im so missing them, the family :(
Insya Allah, kalau ader rezki we jumpe soon yeah :D
and btwbtw, pu3 ade hobby baru uh nowadays.. Hehe
few days ni, every petang pu3 main badminton with cousins.. Best!
Keluar peluh! Hahaha
but then, biler pu3 bangun pagi ni kan..
I thought i was having selsema..
Rupenye my hidung bleeding..
then i ran to the toilet la..
Tengah panic ni!
Terus mandi..
then after mandi, i straight away called ibu..
Ibu said its panas dalam..
Maybe because of maen badminton every petang..
Bende tu pu3 memang jarang buat..
boleh kire tau selame pu3 hidup 18taun ni brape kali je pu3 main badminton?? Haha *OVER!*
But Its TRUE! memang badminton isnt ma thaing baby! Hee
tp lately, daku berminat la pulak.. Hahahaha
so people, hari ni tak pergy maner2 ke?
Pu3 pun rase pu3 not goin anywhere uh today..
Btw, bruneians!
Lately our cuaca mcm panas banar ah..
U know what, almost everyday i went to kadai runcit to buy IceCUBES or IceBLOCK..
Sekali yesterday kali if im not wrong, HABIS bh SEMUA ICE diurang...
Mahhhnnn.. Ramai banar jua urg kepanasan kan tu..
Kadang2 aircond ani pun inda terasa wah..
But apa boleh buat, SABAR sja dulu ah.. :)
ani baru sikit..
Hari qiamat nanti lg inda terkata..
okay, i gotta go now..
Ibu msg-ed me suruh makan panadol now..
Okay bu.. Roger and.. OUT!
putri ;) xoxo
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Lalala love love
good morning earthlings!
its 9am right now.. Hee
im still in bed actually! :p haha
jap lg i go mandi keyh? :p hahax
okay, since today pu3 rase mood pu3 mcm baek semacam je :D
so i just wanna blog about LOVE uh today! Can can? :DDD
lastnight i chatted with LOVE..heee
rindu la kat dier! :D
he was busy ironing his baju.. Haha wah rajin la my baby ni kn? Iron baju sendiri.. Hehe
then we talked bout nak jumpe and all that.. *winks*
and oh yea today, LOVE ade keje..
So Happy Working yeah honey! :D
last week, LOVE changed his phone to the one thats same like mine..
But different colour..
Sweet tak sweet tak?
Mine is white-pink and his is black-silver.. :D
kater sehati sejiwe maaaa.. Haha!
LOVE, i just wanna say i love you so much...
I know its sounds very biasa but......
When i say 'so much' its actually INDESCRIBABLE baby..
And THANKS for always be a great and very supportive boyfriend, an attentive bestfriend and one thing that i know for sure that YOU ARE ALWAYS THERE FOR ME.. :)
thank you so very much yang..
memang both of us know, LIFE IS HARD..
But as i said before, we'll just have to work together..
Right LOVE..?
there's this ONE MAGICAL PHRASE that pu3 always got inspired by it tau..
and its true..
Semuanya bergantung pada hati :)
Alhamdulillah, i THANK ALLAH for everything..
So far, semua berjalan lancar for the both of us, right LOVE?
we'll just have to be patient a lil bit more and Then im sure everything's gonna be PERFECTLY OKAY.. Heee
i gotta go mandi la before kene marah.. Hehe
tengahari ni nak pegi RTB..
Wanna watch Bintang Kecil! Hehehehehe
LOVE, later we talk talk then we laugh laugh together kayh?
im so missing you yang..
Wherever you are, always remember to take care of yourself yeah honey..
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Whatsup yaw? Hahaha
i miss you laaahhhhhh.. :DDD
i've something to share with y'all tauu.. hee
went to KOTA KINABALU, SABAH last week.. :D
Stayed at Courtyard Hotel,
just right beside ONE BORNEO! Hahaha im so lovin it beybeh! :DD
And guess what...?
I joined an audition tau mase kat OneBORNEO! Weehee..
Nak tau untuk ape?
mule2 pu3 tu cube2 naseb je kan..
Sekali, Alhamdulillah..
Pu3 masuk pulak ke round yg ke 2.. Hehehe
then after the 2nd round, baru ade keputusan siapa yg akan ke quarter final..
during the first round, i sang ONE NIGHT ONLY..
And 2nd round, i sang KASIH & FLY ME TO THE MOON..
selepas pu3 menyanyi for the second round tu pu3 terus je rush pegi airport tau nak balik brunei..
Pu3 tak sempat tunggu keputusan.. Huhu
but the next day, i received a msg from my friend in KK..
Dimah told me that pu3 terpilih ke quarter final and she said nanti ader orang contact pu3..
and yes, the next night i received a text message from Raja Rohaizan of All Stars Performing Arts.. Yiheeee!!
so yeah, i went to KL for the Quarter Final..
It was held at Genting View Resort..
and mase Quarter Final tu pu3 nyanyi lagu ZAPIN TARI MELAYU & WHEN I FALL IN LOVE..
oh yea, the judges were SYAFINAZ, MONA(Former Model), YAZID(pengarah muzik Istana Budaya) :)
ape yg di kehendaki di dalam pertandingan ni ialah setiap peserta hendakla menyanyikan 2 buah lagu yg belainan genre..
and guess what...? im competing against the contestants from all over Malaysia..
dan didalam berpuluh2 peserta tuu ader artistes jugak tao..
we have Siti Sarah, Bob AF,Izwan Pilus & Anis Anissah..
so yeahh, the result untuk peserta2 yg dpt ke Semi Final pun kene announced on the next day after quarter final...
and ALHAMDULILLAH i made it to the SEMI!! heeee :)))
happy nyerr tak terkaterr...
so during the Semi Final, i belted out ONE NIGHT ONLY and SAKURA..
the judges were DEJA MOSS, AZURA(model), YAZID & DAYANG(dance choreographer).. ;)
result pun di announced malam tu jugak..
i'll be going to the final... heee
pertandingan ni ader 5 categories..
so untuk final tu,
for VOCAL category, 10 peserta telah terpilih..
- ME.. hehehehehehe
- siti sarah(she's just superb)
- bob AF(mesraaaaa gitu!)
- asmidah(i was told that she's related to Syafinaz)
- sean (adek kpd Vince AF)
- hakim(he's a male version of Alicia Keys.. REALLY!)
- suib (rocker from Sabah)
- hara hanara (she's unique! if u listen to her singing, u'll neve r gonna believe that she's just 16)
- raja farah(a.k.a TOM... she's petite but her voice is WO!!!)
- E-mey(he's just 14 and he is real good!)
for DANCE pulak if im not wrong cume 4 yg terpilih untuk solo dance and 1 for group dance..
for INSTRUMENTAL, 3 untuk solo and 1 for group..
for MODELING, 8 orang yang terpilih..
oh, fyi peserta2 yg ikut serta semua cume diberi mase selame ONE MINUTE sahaje..
so yeahhh.. memang best!
plus, kitorang(contestants) di beri tempat tinggal..
kinda like apartment laa..away from family..
macam AF gitu.. tp ni boleh tengok TV, pegi keluar ke kedai & bawak HP! hahahaha
dalam setiap satu rumah tu maximum ader 8 orang...
so in our house tu we have 8 ladies (includes ME)..
my housemates semua baik2.. Kak K(our penghulu ;D)kak Tom, Kak Anne, Kak Kamelia, Kak Zila, Dimah & Ayu..
pu3 pun make friends with contestants yg dari category lain tauu.. heee
now kitorang sume dh balik rumah sendiri...
so yeaahhhh...
im gonna miss them... :(((( sobsobsob..
but anyway, i'll see you guys kat Final nanti ehh.... heeee...
okay i'll stop here..
putri ;) xoxo
Thursday, 12 March 2009
New blogskin.. Hee
Happy THURSDAY earthlings! :D
I just came back from KL lastnight.. Hee
so yeah, yesterday (in KL)
I woke up at 10.05am..
Did my lastminute.com packing then siap2 nak keluar rumah, wanna go makan and teros gi airport uh..
but before we went makan,
ayah singgah Sony BMG office, ambik something..
Then after that, straight away we went to KENNY ROGERS! :D
fuuyyo! Manyak sedap wa bilang lu..
Pu3 dari kecik memang suke makan kat Kenny Rogers..
Too bad la in Brunei takde Kenny Rogers kan.. :(
dulu got, but now NO MORE.. huhuhu
kalau pu3 balik kl memang makan kat KENNY ROGERS tu dah kire a MUST tao! Heee
thank you very much ayah sebab sampaikan hajat pu3 nak makan kat sane before balik Brunei! Hehehe
love you!
oh yeah, i saw Abby Abadi with that Zul guy jalan2..
*eh, part ni mcm tak kene mengene kan?*
okay2, after makan..
It was exactly 2.30pm, so kitorang pon gerak straight to the airport..
In the car, ibu tido while me and ayah sebok singing along to Jamal Abdillah's tracks..
Memang pu3 mase kecik2 kalau duduk dgn ayah mesti dengar lagu2 jamal punye.. Hehe
sweet kn kitorang anak beranak? ;))) hahax
then biler dh sampai airport kitorang checked-in..
Hah kau! Excess 8kg la our luggages.. Heeee
then then, we salam+hug+kiss ayah...
ayah balik, kitorang dh masuk departure hall..
Tengok jam, dh 5.10pm..
Supposedly dh boarding kan..
Tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu..
Sepatutnye, kitorang dh fly at 5.30pm..
Then dh tukar plak ke pukul 6.05pm..
dalam2 menunggu tu kan,
terserempak pulak dgn one bruneian yg memang kitorang biase jugak la.. Hehe
dan kebetulan our seats ni one row tao.. :D
biler kat dalam plane, we were laughing all the way from KL to Brunei..
Tak tido langsung tau.. Selalunye pu3 tido tau kalau in flight.. Hehe
but lastnight, sekejap pun langsung tak tido.. Hee
and Alhamdulillah, we safely landed at 8.15pm..
My aunt and my cuzy FITRI fetched us :)
thanks eh..
then, i texted LOVE using ibu's number..
My phone was runnin outta credit arhhh.. Huhu
and pu3 singgah kedai jap beli topup then called LOVE!
he was busy karaoke-ing at home with his cousins.. Haha
biler dh sampai rumah,
biase uh.. Acara pembahagian harta! :p
kasi2 barang kat my cousins, my aunt and my grannies.. Hehe
and around 11pm gitu i said to LOVE that i want to sleep coz i was so exhausted..
LOVE pun not really well..
Kesian my baby..
Drink a lot of water and jangan lupe ubat k sayang..
and oh yeah, today's 12th!
Its our special day LOVE.. Hee
thanks for the text message this morning chyntaa,
you made my day baby..
I pon nak love you so much lah, oleh? Hehehehehe
and 8.51am tadi, LOVE called me..
Now, i started to miss you again.. :'(
and btw people, as u can see my blogskin has changed..
actually my blog was having some problem tau..
And luckily mira ada..
Thanks a lot babe for helping! :D
aku love kau berabes! Haha
so people, see my link list..
Banyak yang hilang kan?
So please kindly drop ur URL at my comment box of this post if u want to be in the link list yeah..
And mira, kau jua ah!
Hilang linkmu ah, aku lg nda brapa ingat URL mu.. Hahahax..
Sowieee babe..
I hope u guys like this new blogskin yea..
And i know Najla does! Hahaha
oh yeah, i'll be performing tomorrow for a fashion show that is BRIDE'S DREAM EVENT at The MALL, GADONG..
7.30pm yea! :)
so okay, im outta here baybehh!
putri ;) xoxo
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
i love you AYAH, i miss you LOVE...
HOLLA people!
i miss my blog lahhhh... heeee
i just came back from kampong yesterday... :)
best uhh dapat kumpul dengan my uwan&atok, my lil' cousins, my uncles&aunties.. hee
my last update hari tu was monday ryte?
okay lets blog bout last friday dan hari2 seterusnye lahh... ehe
*because pu3 tak ingat aper pu3 buat last tuesday, wednesday & thursday
so shhhhhh.... jgn bilang orang tau pu3 luper! hahahaha*


eyh, talking bout movie ni kan.. now baru pu3 teringat.. that i've watched THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON haritu dengan ibu..
tp tak ingat hari apeer.. hahahaha i so love the movie nohhhh... hahx
okayh, back to the story.. ayah ader show kan that saturday night.. so yeah, we went la to ayah punyer show tuu.. hujan yaw! huhuhu
met Kak BIENDA, AWAN BAND, BAHAZIM(sehati berdansa, if im not wrong lah ey), and the other band pu3 tak ingat the name! hehehe
SUNDAY, kitorang bangun pagi coz nak tolak pegi Melaka.. ayah ader show for URTV, MANGGA ONLINE & SOYO ROADSHOW kat DATARAN PAHLAWAN MEGAMALL...
ramai jugak la orang...
then, mase pu3 pegi backstage dengan ayah..
i met WANA the champion of MYSTARS LG(cute jer orang dier) and also band the SIXTH SENSE(thanks to the vocalist, ambikkan kerusi for me and ayah)..
then jumpe HUZZ, kak ROHAYA & kak MAS of URTV..
ibu and ayah kene interview.. hehehe bout rahsia rumah tangga gituu.. heee
i've met kak mas before in brunei a year ago..
she's the one yg keluar kan article bout me dalam majalah HAI..
but now she's with URTV..
nice seeing u again kak! :)
after the show, kitorang teros balik kampong... yeebaaa...
tu yg sampai rumah dalam 10pm tuu..
then ayah keluar jap beli bende..
around 10.30pm, our neighbour AUNTY KAK NOR datang rumah hantarkan cakes..hee.. thank you so much yee... sedap cakes tu.... :)))
today, i woke up late coz lastnight tido lambat.. huhuhu
LOVE texted me just now..
he went to the doctor..
get well soon yeahhh baby...
i miss you a lot chyntaa..
talk to u later kayh? :)
so peeps, i gotta go now..
btw, pu3 balik brunei esok..so yeahh..
i'll blog lagi biler dah sampai BRUNEI okay... :)
putri ;) xoxo
Monday, 2 March 2009
best! :)
forgive me for not updating..
been very busy + im enjoyin my holiday right now.. :)))) hehe
last week i was with my LOVE..
hee.. celebrating his belated birthday.. hee
went out with him and also ibu..
met his family jugak..
its always been great to see them actually.. :D
but since our trip yang this time, everybody was busy with work and school kan..
so only the 3 of us je laa yg ronda2 kotaraya! haha ;p
Me, LOVE & ibu :)
we went shopping, makan and stuffs.. ;)
lastweek's trip memang SYOK!
because, on the 26th of feb at 9.30pm, for the FIRST TIME, LOVE & I went to cineplex to watch MOVIE.. ahahahaha
after one year plus tao... hahahaha
steady tak steady tak steady tak?? ;p
we watched 'MY BLOODY VALENTINE (3D)'..
hehehe LOVE excited sangat dengan tu 3D spec.. hahax cute you!
the movie was OK.. hehehe pekik2 jugak la orang dibuatnyerr..
tp dari mule sampai habis asyik kene bunuh je orang2 dlm movie tu, kesiannn.. HAHA
and ouh yeahhhh....
on the 26thfeb morning kan...
*should i say Very Early Morning? ;p*
my door bell rang tao..
bukak2je pintu, LOVE brought me flower.. :))))))
very bright red ROSE lagikk.. heeee so sweet of you cinta..
i love you so muchhh inte-elon*dgn muke2 skali*! hahahahaha
okay tuuuu makcik kat BANQUET je yang tau eh.. haahahahaha :P
and now.. im so missing my baby LOVE.. sadsad :'(...
im in KL right now peeps...
last couple of days me & ibu je dok rumah 2 orang..
asyik keluar rumah je la the both of us..
abeh boring, ayah was in pahang ader show..
but on the 28th best ;D we went out to KLCC to meet adek NAJLA and her mama.. :)
kononnyer nak tengok wayang, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE...
abehh macam takde jerr kan.. *bukan lg macam,MEMANG takder pon!* hahaha
so kitorang went makan je larh ber-empat.. :D heheee
the next day pon jumpe adek jugak.. at Selayang Mall..
coz adek nak kasi pu3 barang.. :)
Thanks alot ye dek!! love ya!! ;))
LOVE was here also yesterday and the day before yesterday..
ader keje...
semalam at 1plus am he called me, tellin me he reached home safely..
ayah pon balik from pahang semalam jugak..
eh not semalam lah! tadi subuh agaknyerr.. kesian ayah penat driving jauh2..
and this morning i woke up at 11plus lahh..
teros mandi then ayah ajak keluar makan kat Gombak.. SEDAP!! ;)
then pu3 singgah TADIKA SRI AYU.. heee
di mana satu ketika dahulu, diriku ini pernah bersekolah di sane.. HAHA!!
skolah tu masih sama mcm dulu lg.. hee..
awww.. i missed the old times...
talking bout school kan, i really rindu STPRI laa...
i missed my malay class -cigu jurai.... , my F&N practical lesson,
i missed being in the science lab, not to forget my english class with mr.Ravi..
sigh... i missed semua during schooltime.. :'((((
my classmates, my bestfriends.. sighhhhhh...
okayy back to tadi punye cerite kan..
after singgah-ed at my skolah yang dulu tuu..
naik cable car lg..
best seyhhhh... since dah lamer tak gy genting kn.. hee
i got alot of pictures actually but masih kat dalam my cam uhh.. so i upload nanti uh kayyy...
i think i should end this post here..
Take Care Everybody!
putri ;) xoxo
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