Assalamualaikum :))
hi!! PUTRI is back! heee
i've been very busy lately...
college's great... new friends... fun lecturers :DD
but... quite tiring deyhhh... heeee
maklum dah lama tak jadi student.. haha ;pp
LOVE said "eversince u start belajar, kiter rindu you so much"
awwww... i miss you most yang..
awwww... i miss you most yang..
plus, u'll be goin to KL for work lusa right...?
im gonna miss you loads LOVE..
do take a good care of yourself k sayang.. :)
keje bagus2 okay..
i'll pray that everything will be fine with you..
always remember, putri loves you baby! :))
yay! tomorrow's no class :DD
its FRIDAY kan esokk.. eeehee
yeahh, weekends pu3 takde class.. sukesukesuke :DD
but tomorrow petang i got rehearsal for 14thAugust's show..
will be performing with FAKHRULRAZI & SRI NAZRINA..
its a private show btw.. heee
and oh tomorrow night, i got shooting.. kat studio hans...
or or, maybe ada dancepractise..
yeahh yeaahh... im a busy lady! hoho
okay.. i dont think i have much to tell...
so, i better stop now..
im just gonna do some work while waiting for LOVE getting his hair done kat salon sekarang..
hahahaha ;P love you laaaa :DD
toodles people~~~
putri ;) xoxo
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