SALAM AIDILFITRI MINAL AIDIL WALFAIZIN kepada seluruh muslimin & muslimat yg berada di mana sahaja.. :)
To My Parents, Putri mohon ampun & maaf.. dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki...
To my family yg jauh dimata, know that u guys are always in my heart ;)
To my friends, i love you guys always..
My Girlfriends, MIA & MIRA.. i miss kamu...
To My BPY2010, yeay!! we are now family :)
To My Beloved Fans, Putri Sayang kamu..
thank you so much for the love & support dari mula sampai sekarang.. :D
To my dearest boyfriend, thanks for everything..
its 4am now..
and im still wide awake..
sampai rumah dekat pukul 3am..
i was on the late-night show tadi LIVE on PELANGI FM :)
Thanks to Dj AddY & Dj Q for having me...
My team-mate, Faizul of A Band Once, tani awesome pasal tani manang :P
to Group B, JUJU & KHAIRY.. kamu cute and i love ya!! :D
oh yeah, ealier on, i mean semalam...
around 8+pm, DJ ALIF made a live phone interview with CorporaLove :)
awww.... BF was being supersweet :)
He said something like this..
" To my one & only dearest in Brunei, you know who you are.. Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin, forgive all my wrong doings.. and i just wanna tell you that i miss you so much"
then he sang my song, KESUBUKAN which is actually in Brunei Language...
no wonder, he texted me tanyer psl lyrics lagu tu before that..
hahaha rupa2nya... :P KANTOI!
but babe, i was so touched.. seriously... :')
I love you... heee
anyways, its the 1st Day of Raya! :D
Jom kutip duit raya!! :D hehehe
i need my sleep now..
i'll update lagi when i have the time yes?
TAKE CARE!! xoxo