Hari ni hari JUMAAT..
Penghulu segala hari :)
how've u been doing people?
Well lately, pu3 banyak stay kat rumah..
So thats why lah pu3 tak blog coz takde yg interesting pon yg pu3 buat kat rumah. Haha
might be hari ni, me and ibu will be going out together with my aunt and also my cousins QILAH & BILAH.. :D
ladies-day-out ke perhh.. Hehehe
best best best! :D
oh yeah, now i remember!haha
last wednesday night, ibu lagy ader function..
So she sent me to Aunty Dayang's house..
Went out with aunt and my two cousins tu jugak..
Kitorang pegi Hua Ho Mall, Bilah nak pegi beli baju..
But end up, tak beli ape2! Huhu
i bought GLAM mag..
Kak ANITA AZIZ (finalist Worldstars for model category)
kat frontpage..
Along with TENGKU AZURA (one of Worldstars' judges)
and the other model was ANAS..
Kak anita looks so WOW seyh in that mag..
Bangga nyer kiter kenal dgn seorang SUPERMODEL kan? Heee
anyhoos, All the best to you kak anita, and oh yeah, HAPPY ADVANCE BIRTHDAY!
esk birthday kak anita :)
okay okay, after jalan2 at Hua Ho Mall..
We went makan at SEAFOOD CENTRE! ;D
yeahyeahyeah, i am allergic to seafood but dier nyer CLAM SAMBAL sedap nak mampos..
I cant tahan already..
I just bedal all the clam, and fried butter prawn and also the tomyam! ;D
hahaha and last skali, i became ANGELINA JOLIE.. ;p
my lips da bengkak+gatal, and the best part was I LEFT MY UBAT AT HOME! pfftt.. -.-'
bagus ey pu3, doctor da bilang if mulut dh bengkak jgn biar2.. Huhu
dangeWous you know!
but then, pu3 okay2 je sampai balik rumah.. Hee Alhamdulillah ;)
oh btw, mesti some of you guys dah watch SYURGA CINTA kan?
Aww.. Kiter jealous! :(
coz i wanna watch! Huhuhu
its just that i dont know biler mase yg sesuai..
starting tomorrow night, pu3 dh start busy rehearsing for SIMFONI TANAHAIR..
Insya Allah, kalau takde pape esok petang at 2pm will be going to dewan raya for the FINAL AKSI VIDEO..
Tu pun kalau takde pape, tak janji ek.. Hee *peace*
talking bout dewan raya ni,
pu3 pun nak promote jugak uh.. Hehehehe
hari SABTU, 6hb JUN 2009,
jam 8mlm secara langsung di DEWAN RAYA RTB, BSB..
datang jangan tak datang! ;D
hope to see u guys there.. Hee
do support our local talents! ;))
ramai artistes yang akan involved on that day, so dont miss the chance yeah! :D
eh eh.. Shh.. Shh..
Did u guys hear something??
Tu.. Tu.. Bunyi aper tu??
Cube dgr betol2!
Perot pu3 rupenye yg bising2 dari tadi ni. HAHAHA
*LAME, i know! But im proud* ;p
merepek eh, SENGALZ~
sesungguhnye saye sedang lapar.. Huhuhu
ibu baru jew gerak gi keje...
Haiishh.. Nampaknye makan sendiri la saye.. Huhu
Kiter miss you uh yang :))
okay, saya mau pigi dapur..
Mau tengok ade bende tak yg boleh di masukkan ke dalam perot ini. Mwahahaha! :p
anyways, dont forget your breakfast people! :D
tata! :)))
putri ;) xoxo
Friday, 29 May 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009
Feelin much more betta! ;)
Whaddup earthlings?
heyyyy, i miss my dearblogie! :D
i realised my blog mcm 'alalala-kesian' gitu kan without new post. Hee
so here i am.. Updating! ;DD
i wasnt well for the past few days..
So masetu memang takde mood nak blog.. Huhu
lets talk about.. Urmm..
Yeah! Last Saturday,23rdmay09! ;D
Maria launched her album at The Mall that saturday Night!
ramai orang! Best! Haha
so Congratulation To Sis Maria...
Peeps, jgn lupe dpt kn yg original okay! :D hehe
after the launching, me, ibu and some of the phuturephasers, HANS,MILIN, JOE M, BIREN, SRI NAZRINA and FAIZ makan kat west street..
I ordered a lot mahn!
Chicken chop w/rice, 2sets of garlic bread w/cheese, 1set of wedges, 1 hot tea and 1 diet coke! ;D
excuse me, its a DIET coke eh! Hahaha
diet kerr?? Order belambak2 gitu diet katenyer? Wahaha ;p
Met some of my fellow artistes that night, Dillah of the Seeds, Rafiz, Nash, dj Zack, dj Aliff (ani everywhere ni ia ada ;p), dj Lidya, Achik, err sape lagy ek?
Pokoknye ramai lah that night.. Hee
oh yeah, met Hafiz the photographer! :)
and time balik, tejumpa Papz at The Coffee Bean.. Haha
long time no see eh! :)
the next day, Sunday.. I mean yesterday! :p
We(the phuturephase family) were having a scriptreading session at RTB SG.AKAR..
Siok ani wah!
Fyi, this is a special Raya program! Hee
do wait for it yeah.. ;D
after scriptreading, kitorang ader dance practise pulak.. :)
it was fun!
Hahaha there's a story disebalik latihan tarian itu! Wahaha
i'll post the photos nanti.. Ehehe
we started at 2pm and finished at almost 6pm..
and lastnight err, did nothing..
Just stayed at home plus i was sick, real sick.. Huhu
oh and i remembered, malam pu3 sakit, talked to LOVE onthephone he DODOI-ed me..
Awww.. I always love when he sang the Dodoi..
Its cute.. Heee
and yes, its SPECIAL.. :D
PUTRI loves you baby! A.L.W.A.Y.S *winks*
Fyi, dodoi=lullaby eh..
Bukan dodol.. Haha tu makanan! :p
today, pun pu3 stay kat rumah jer..
My whole body were aching..
Hate the headache! Urggh..
But now i feel better sikit than this morning.. Alhamdulillah..
Btw, have you eaten peepz?
SuperDelicious! :D
now ibu pulak yg not well..
kesian ibu..
Get Well Soon Bu.. :)
btw, i've got good news..
Remember, the SIMFONI TANAHAIR competition?
The results kena hold kan masetu?
Guess what? I made it to the Final! Yipee!
I mean, ROSMAN MASRI's SONG made it to the final! :D
so yeah, i'll be competing on this upcoming 6thJUNE :D
lets pray for the best!
Amin :))
okay, im off to bed now..
Goodnight everybody!
putri ;) xoxo
Whaddup earthlings?
heyyyy, i miss my dearblogie! :D
i realised my blog mcm 'alalala-kesian' gitu kan without new post. Hee
so here i am.. Updating! ;DD
i wasnt well for the past few days..
So masetu memang takde mood nak blog.. Huhu
lets talk about.. Urmm..
Yeah! Last Saturday,23rdmay09! ;D
Maria launched her album at The Mall that saturday Night!
ramai orang! Best! Haha
so Congratulation To Sis Maria...
Peeps, jgn lupe dpt kn yg original okay! :D hehe
after the launching, me, ibu and some of the phuturephasers, HANS,MILIN, JOE M, BIREN, SRI NAZRINA and FAIZ makan kat west street..
I ordered a lot mahn!
Chicken chop w/rice, 2sets of garlic bread w/cheese, 1set of wedges, 1 hot tea and 1 diet coke! ;D
excuse me, its a DIET coke eh! Hahaha
diet kerr?? Order belambak2 gitu diet katenyer? Wahaha ;p
Met some of my fellow artistes that night, Dillah of the Seeds, Rafiz, Nash, dj Zack, dj Aliff (ani everywhere ni ia ada ;p), dj Lidya, Achik, err sape lagy ek?
Pokoknye ramai lah that night.. Hee
oh yeah, met Hafiz the photographer! :)
and time balik, tejumpa Papz at The Coffee Bean.. Haha
long time no see eh! :)
the next day, Sunday.. I mean yesterday! :p
We(the phuturephase family) were having a scriptreading session at RTB SG.AKAR..
Siok ani wah!
Fyi, this is a special Raya program! Hee
do wait for it yeah.. ;D
after scriptreading, kitorang ader dance practise pulak.. :)
it was fun!
Hahaha there's a story disebalik latihan tarian itu! Wahaha
i'll post the photos nanti.. Ehehe
we started at 2pm and finished at almost 6pm..
and lastnight err, did nothing..
Just stayed at home plus i was sick, real sick.. Huhu
oh and i remembered, malam pu3 sakit, talked to LOVE onthephone he DODOI-ed me..
Awww.. I always love when he sang the Dodoi..
Its cute.. Heee
and yes, its SPECIAL.. :D
PUTRI loves you baby! A.L.W.A.Y.S *winks*
Fyi, dodoi=lullaby eh..
Bukan dodol.. Haha tu makanan! :p
today, pun pu3 stay kat rumah jer..
My whole body were aching..
Hate the headache! Urggh..
But now i feel better sikit than this morning.. Alhamdulillah..
Btw, have you eaten peepz?
SuperDelicious! :D
now ibu pulak yg not well..
kesian ibu..
Get Well Soon Bu.. :)
btw, i've got good news..
Remember, the SIMFONI TANAHAIR competition?
The results kena hold kan masetu?
Guess what? I made it to the Final! Yipee!
I mean, ROSMAN MASRI's SONG made it to the final! :D
so yeah, i'll be competing on this upcoming 6thJUNE :D
lets pray for the best!
Amin :))
okay, im off to bed now..
Goodnight everybody!
putri ;) xoxo
Friday, 22 May 2009
Si Nabilah Cali! Wakaka
Holla! :D
im at my cousin's crib right now, slept over here lastnight.. Heee
and and oh, i've something to share! Haha
u guys tau lagu KISS ME THRU THE PHONE ryte?
Kn ader phone number in the song kan yg 6789998212 tu..
Skali tadi my cuzy bilang me..
BILAH: ka pu3, aku cuba udah..
ME: cuba apa??
BILAH: cuba menelipon nombor tpun rah kiss me thru the phone ah.. Tp inda jua ada apa2.. Eksen nombornya ah.
ME: hah?? Bahapa ko cuba? Memang lah nada tu! Lagu jua ganya tu! Hahaha LMAO!
BILAH: ka pu3 jua nyuruh hari atu! *marah*
ME: *ketawa bagai nak rak!* atu aku cakap saja.. Hahahaha
funny siah my cuzy, yg dia pergy cuba betol2 buat pe..
Memang la hari tu pu3 ader ckp, tp i was just kiddin mahnn.. Haha
Haiz.. Lurus bendul la youh.. Haha
tak boleh bawak rompak uh dier ni..
*LOVE always said that whenever i get so the lurus bendul* :p
oh yeah, lastnight my Worldstars fren called me..
Thanks for callin..
dia ckp dia missed all of us!
Awww.. So do i..
Rindu our busy-ness and kecoh-ness..
Im glad that some of my Worldstars friends ader kat FB! :D
today, pu3 takde pape..
Just spending time with cuzies and the kuchings aja i guess! Haha
i miss hanging out with UMIE & KA BELAH.. Oh, and IKAH as well.. Huhu
tunggu tah kamu cuti skulah eh.. Hehehe
okaylah! Im outta here..
Nanti lg blog.. Heee
putri ;) xoxo
Holla! :D
im at my cousin's crib right now, slept over here lastnight.. Heee
and and oh, i've something to share! Haha
u guys tau lagu KISS ME THRU THE PHONE ryte?
Kn ader phone number in the song kan yg 6789998212 tu..
Skali tadi my cuzy bilang me..
BILAH: ka pu3, aku cuba udah..
ME: cuba apa??
BILAH: cuba menelipon nombor tpun rah kiss me thru the phone ah.. Tp inda jua ada apa2.. Eksen nombornya ah.
ME: hah?? Bahapa ko cuba? Memang lah nada tu! Lagu jua ganya tu! Hahaha LMAO!
BILAH: ka pu3 jua nyuruh hari atu! *marah*
ME: *ketawa bagai nak rak!* atu aku cakap saja.. Hahahaha
funny siah my cuzy, yg dia pergy cuba betol2 buat pe..
Memang la hari tu pu3 ader ckp, tp i was just kiddin mahnn.. Haha
Haiz.. Lurus bendul la youh.. Haha
tak boleh bawak rompak uh dier ni..
*LOVE always said that whenever i get so the lurus bendul* :p
oh yeah, lastnight my Worldstars fren called me..
Thanks for callin..
dia ckp dia missed all of us!
Awww.. So do i..
Rindu our busy-ness and kecoh-ness..
Im glad that some of my Worldstars friends ader kat FB! :D
today, pu3 takde pape..
Just spending time with cuzies and the kuchings aja i guess! Haha
i miss hanging out with UMIE & KA BELAH.. Oh, and IKAH as well.. Huhu
tunggu tah kamu cuti skulah eh.. Hehehe
okaylah! Im outta here..
Nanti lg blog.. Heee
putri ;) xoxo
Missing my friends
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Happy 15th bday kakak & adek!

its the TWINS' Birthday! :D
dearest kakak adek dh turn 15 seyh.. Hehe
rindu sama ke-hyper-an kamu! :D
btwbtw, Baba masak ape ek semalam? Hee
10.05am tadi, LOVE called me..
LOVE: Hello sayang! U nak tau something?
ME: *Suare baru bangun* morning yang, ape dier?
LOVE: Kris Allen menang! Haha
ME: whutttt? Ala boring......
LOVE at work tadi..
And yeah, Adam Lambert kalah..
Pffft! -.-
whatever la kan.. Dh rezki si Kris..
Hahaha si kris ey? Mcm kawan lamer pulak yerr.. =p
anyhoo, IMISSYOU babyLOVE!
oh yeaa, lastnight me and ibu tido rumah my aunt.. Hehe
actually, smlm kitorg datang rumah my aunt nak minta ajar buat somethin je..
But penyudahnye malas nak balik rumah, hah tido jer la kat situ! Hehe
tadi pagi kitorang balik rumah =D heee
yesterday, chatted with Mia and her two friends yg SUBHANALLAH nakalnyer.. Hahaha c marimo & hoge! Hahaha
nice knowing u guys..
Not forgetting, my ex-classmate Zara pun ader yesterday..
rindunyer sama kawan2 sekolah =(
aduii, my tummy ni not well la since semalam..
Nak kater salah makan, tak tau la jugak ey..
But i think masuk angin la coz makan lambat..
Lastnight, guess what time pu3 ambik my dinner?
11pm babe! Hahaha
tu yg rasenye perut ni tak betol.. Huhuhu
okay lah, i'll stop now and better go mandi..
Putri ;) xoxo
Adam lambert kalah :(
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Nasi Lemak? *siasiapun* ;)
Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera ;D
currently watchin MENTOR at TV3...
Suke sangat la kiter ngan Adibah Nor! Hehehehe
tak paham ey, patut orang sokong protege..
Ni lain, Mentornye pulak! Hahaha ;p
oh yeah, lastnight..
Sape tengok AF angkat tangan???
pu3 tengok 2nd round je.. Hahaha
the first round pu3 tak tengok coz pu3 busy watching BigBang's Concert! Eheee
namun sesungguhnye diriku sangat berpuas hati di atas kemenangan HAFIZ! ;D
mwahahahah.. Sukenye aku! ;D
oh yeah, talked to LOVE
just now..
LOVE baru habis makan nasi lemak.. Heee
LOVE: ayang miss me tak? *favourite question*
ME: i miss you la.....
LOVE: etol???? *shouted like very the tibe2! haha*
ME: *kekeZutan* etol la yang...
hahahahaha i always love that part laa..
Biler LOVE menjerit tetibe, so comel..
Kiter rindu awak la....
eh pu3 nak check my FB pulak la..
Cheyh mentang2 baru ader FB ;P
okay, kamu kamu take care yeah!
putri ;) xoxo
currently watchin MENTOR at TV3...
Suke sangat la kiter ngan Adibah Nor! Hehehehe
tak paham ey, patut orang sokong protege..
Ni lain, Mentornye pulak! Hahaha ;p
oh yeah, lastnight..
Sape tengok AF angkat tangan???
pu3 tengok 2nd round je.. Hahaha
the first round pu3 tak tengok coz pu3 busy watching BigBang's Concert! Eheee
namun sesungguhnye diriku sangat berpuas hati di atas kemenangan HAFIZ! ;D
mwahahahah.. Sukenye aku! ;D
oh yeah, talked to LOVE
just now..
LOVE baru habis makan nasi lemak.. Heee
LOVE: ayang miss me tak? *favourite question*
ME: i miss you la.....
LOVE: etol???? *shouted like very the tibe2! haha*
ME: *kekeZutan* etol la yang...
hahahahaha i always love that part laa..
Biler LOVE menjerit tetibe, so comel..
Kiter rindu awak la....
eh pu3 nak check my FB pulak la..
Cheyh mentang2 baru ader FB ;P
okay, kamu kamu take care yeah!
putri ;) xoxo
watchin tv-mode
Friday, 15 May 2009
dabedabedooooo.... ;p *merepek*

hey kamu! ;D
currently at cuzie's crib....
supposedly semalam tido sini..
but ibu takut nak balik sorang malam2 so yeah... heee
pu3 temankan la ibu balik lastnight.. :)
but this morning ibu dropped me here before ibu keje tadi..
later ibu balik keje baru ibu ambik pu3..
as u can see di atas itu, gambar seorang PUTRI NORIZAH yg baru di lahirkan...
that was 18years ago... heeeeeee
itu article was taken from THE NEWS STRAITS TIME (NST)..
yeah yeah yeah, masetu pu3 belum pakai tudong lagy... ;p hahaha
oh btw, had udang rebus and ikan goreng just now for lunch...
mmmm.... sedap lohh! :)
right now pu3 tgh mengerjakan my FB.. haha
masih belum brape pandai lg laa...
tp takpe.... slowly... ehee
errmmm... pu3 tak tau nak cakap aper lg lah.. haha
takpe, i'll stop here..
if pu3 rase nak blog lg later pu3 buat second post! :D
putri ;) xoxo
me 18years ago..
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Pu3 got FACEBOOK already! Ahaks ;p
Hi world.. :)
today's post cume a short post je coz i just wanna let y'all know that i've created a FACEBOOK account for me, myself and I...
my aunt la tu tadi pagi msg2 i suruh i buat FB..
Mule2 mcm malas, tp ahernya aku terpedaye jugak! Haha
ni i just came back from aunty dayang's place baru selesai belajar dgn dia how to gune the FB..
so peepz, im still new to it so pardon me if my profile mcm belum siap sangat eyh.. Ehee
and dont forget, ADD ME UP! :D
putri ;) xoxo
Hi world.. :)
today's post cume a short post je coz i just wanna let y'all know that i've created a FACEBOOK account for me, myself and I...
my aunt la tu tadi pagi msg2 i suruh i buat FB..
Mule2 mcm malas, tp ahernya aku terpedaye jugak! Haha
ni i just came back from aunty dayang's place baru selesai belajar dgn dia how to gune the FB..
so peepz, im still new to it so pardon me if my profile mcm belum siap sangat eyh.. Ehee
and dont forget, ADD ME UP! :D
putri ;) xoxo
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
ayte.. this is the 2nd post of the day...
i gotta say something here..
i found this article at WWW.BRUNEI.FM.COM.
"Kemudian satu lagi yang memeningkan penyokong artis tanahair - isu kerakyatan seorang artis wanita popular tanahair. Beliau pernah menjuarai pertandingan nyanyian, dan memenangi beberapa anugerah, sebagai penglibatan beliau di persada seni tanahair. Memang mengejutkan apabila menyaksikan beliau baru-baru ini berentap di Istana Budaya Malaysia, dalam satu pertandingan nyanyian, dan beliau mewakili Malaysia? Apa sebenarnya status kerakyatan diva muda ini?"
see, masih ada juga orang2 yang mempertikaikan kerakyatan pu3..
to those who questioned my nationality,
why pu3 a Malaysian? because MY DAD is a Malaysian..
dan kenape pu3 Penduduk Tetap Brunei?
itu kerana IBU pu3 is a BRUNEIAN..
i have 2 IC's (identity cards)..
i was born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia..
but i was raised up and studied in Brunei Darussalam..
pu3 jugak had established as a SINGER in Brunei since i was an early teenager..
tentang pu3 "menyertai pertandingan" di BRUNEI dan di MALAYSIA tu kira a 'PRIVILEGE' for me..
coz kalau di brunei, pertandingan memang di bukakan untuk warganegara dan juga penduduk tetap Brunei Darussalam..
manakala pertandingan di Malaysia pula terbuka untuk warganegara Malaysia..
maknenye pu3 boleh menyertai pertandingan di kedua2 buah negara right?
so PLEASE DO NOT question my nationality...
im proud to be half Malaysian and half Bruneian... :D
untuk penyokong2 artis tanahair, jangan la pening2kan kepala you guys dengan mempertikaikan kerakyatan pu3.. :)

so peace no war! (",)
ayte.. this is the 2nd post of the day...
i gotta say something here..
i found this article at WWW.BRUNEI.FM.COM.
"Kemudian satu lagi yang memeningkan penyokong artis tanahair - isu kerakyatan seorang artis wanita popular tanahair. Beliau pernah menjuarai pertandingan nyanyian, dan memenangi beberapa anugerah, sebagai penglibatan beliau di persada seni tanahair. Memang mengejutkan apabila menyaksikan beliau baru-baru ini berentap di Istana Budaya Malaysia, dalam satu pertandingan nyanyian, dan beliau mewakili Malaysia? Apa sebenarnya status kerakyatan diva muda ini?"
see, masih ada juga orang2 yang mempertikaikan kerakyatan pu3..
to those who questioned my nationality,
why pu3 a Malaysian? because MY DAD is a Malaysian..
dan kenape pu3 Penduduk Tetap Brunei?
itu kerana IBU pu3 is a BRUNEIAN..
i have 2 IC's (identity cards)..
i was born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia..
but i was raised up and studied in Brunei Darussalam..
pu3 jugak had established as a SINGER in Brunei since i was an early teenager..
tentang pu3 "menyertai pertandingan" di BRUNEI dan di MALAYSIA tu kira a 'PRIVILEGE' for me..
coz kalau di brunei, pertandingan memang di bukakan untuk warganegara dan juga penduduk tetap Brunei Darussalam..
manakala pertandingan di Malaysia pula terbuka untuk warganegara Malaysia..
maknenye pu3 boleh menyertai pertandingan di kedua2 buah negara right?
so PLEASE DO NOT question my nationality...
im proud to be half Malaysian and half Bruneian... :D
untuk penyokong2 artis tanahair, jangan la pening2kan kepala you guys dengan mempertikaikan kerakyatan pu3.. :)

so peace no war! (",)
do not question my nationality
17 not 15, hee sorry cinta! *winks*

Yaye-ness! :D
its 12th of may today! Whee..
sayang, 12th is always OUR day.. :)
i want you to know that YOUR LOVE is the best thing that has ever happened to me..
It has given my life new priorities and meaning, and filled it with joy (:
THANK YOU love, for giving so much of yourself and for helping me to discover so much about myself too..
Sometimes i think you know me better than i know myself..
When we are together love feels so right WITH YOU..
And I MISS YOU when we are apart :'(
but baby, i nak you tau that im ALWAYS HERE for you, no matter where i am nor what i've planned to do..
You are very SPECIAL to me sayang and you are my one and only :)
i know, TOGETHER we can make our dreams come true, etol tak yang..? Ehee..
hari ni LOVE woke me up...
He called me, wishing our anni.. :)
sweet lah dier...
dengar suare LOVE and its the first thing in the morning, memang best...
You made my day baby! :D
yang, lets pray to ALLAH supaye kiter last long and dapat go through all the dugaan sama2 ye..
okay, thats the post for today..
This one's special.. Hehe
just for MY LOVE ♥
P/S: jgn lupe isi perut yang.. :)
Much Love;
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Happy Mother's Day! ;D
to those yg belum pernah dengar lagu HEAR MY HEART ALOUD yg juga menjadi nama kpd blog pu3 ni..
video kat atas tu lah lagu yg original nya..
tp yg kat video tu dh jadi performance duet..
lagu sebenarnye pu3 nyanyi solo jerr.. heee
fyi, that video maser pu3 perform d vietnam pada OCTOBER 2008 :)
hello people!
today is a special day for all the MOTHERS in the world.. :)
so imma dedicate this simple poem for my MOM..
i love you forever ibu, NORHAYATI HAJI MOHD.NOR :)
M - O - T - H - E - R
"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell
A word that means the world to me.
so HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to ibu, umi, baba, my uwan, my nenek, my aunts dan semua insan yang bergelar IBU :D
that was me singing SHORE OF LOVE in VIETNAM last april.. :)
i found all these videos at CLIPS-CLIP.VN..
right now im talking to my LOVE...
cian my LOVE, kuku kaki dier tekopek disebabkan dier dance mcm Tae Yang... heee
i miss you so much sayang....
you take a good care of yourself please cinta..
i love you laaa... eheeee
btw, pu3 sebenarnye baru sampai Brunei dari KL ni..
so nak kene unpack my things jap...
then mandi then TIDOR......MUAHAHAHAHA!
goodnight everyone!
putri ;) xoxo
Saturday, 9 May 2009
an outing with adek! :)
hello hi readers!
okay, kat atas tu sebenarnye gambar pu3 mase kat airport VIETNAM and that gambar was captured by a vietanamese photographer dan gambar tu jugak di ambil dari a MODEL MAGAZINE yg di published di Vietnam.. :)
oh yeahh.. right now, im at THE MALL KL with Najla.. heee
tonight adek tido kat rumah temankan kiter..
because ayah ader kat Kota Tinggi Johor petang ni..
so maknenye daku bersendirian lah! huhuhu
luckily ader najla.. heee thanks dek!
haa! pu3 nak ambik kesempatan nak wish my NENEK in BRUNEI,
happy birthday!! :D
semoge panjang umur, sehat selalu dan di murahkan rezeki oleh ALLAH SWT..
amin3... :)
esok tani jumpa ni.. hehehe
yeap, tomorrow pu3 balik brunei.. yay!
im gonna miss KL..
btw, my lil cousin kat sini baru je masuk hospital semalam..
sian adek ainul.. dier muntah2.. tak tau la kenape..
cepat2 baik ye kak yong..
atie sayang kakyong! nanti kiter nari samer2 yek! hehe
she's just 2years old!
but she's very cerdik.. and cute! ;D
rindu la kat dier...
she called me ATIE.. haha jauh bunyinyer dgn PUTRI.. hahah
takpelahhh... janji dier sayang kiter.. eh out! ;p
okayy now putri tak tau nak cakap ape lagi so i'll just post my pics maser kat vietnam recently yeahh...

okay this one putri tak tau gambar kat maner.... HAHAHAHA..

i gotta go now..
gotta find something to eat...
and and nak shopping sekali..
tomorrow kan MOTHER's DAY..
putri ;) xoxo
missing KL,
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
i miss worldstars09 ;'(
how's life earthlings?
sorry lamer tak update.. heee
after the worldstars final pu3 balik kampung..
and dekat my kampung no network coverage mehhhh.... huhuhu
sadis babe! :((
ni kebetulan hari ni my aunt ajak klua dari kampung nak beli bende sikit...
so pu3 pun ambik kesempatan ahh singgah internet cafe! ehhhheeee...
oh yeah, lets talk about the worldstars final..
BEST seyhh...
and im missing all my people...
kak izan, hara, rafi, zul, kak sarah, abg bob, suib, pat,emeer, kak tom,Iqwal, semualah!
nanti ader rezki kiter jumpe lg tau guys...
congratulations to KAK TOM (RAJA FARAH), kak SARAH, abg BOB, kak ASMIDAR coz dapat pegi hollywood for vocal category.. heee
bawak balik pingat emas banyak2 tao! ;D
for model category, RAM, hang jgn lupa kat aku ehh.. hehehe
nice knowing you buddy!
wilson,kak dila and the other akak.. heee sorry tak ingat nama..
but anyways, CONGRATZ you all! ;))
untuk instrumental pulak, TUKU' KAME' u're the best!!!
and for the dance category, well done ARTISTANA! hee
untuk akak PUTRI MARDIANA, cheyhh fullname gitu! hahaha
all the best ye kat hollywood nanti.. belakon best2! heheehee
to those yg tak berjaye tu takpe, taun depan kita cuba lagy ye! hahaha
and oh yeahhh, i wanna thank my fam yg datang support!
my parents of course!
Hans & Faiz, thanks alot for coming..
angah adi & wife serta kawan2, hehe terima kasih ye datang support!
to those yg hantar sms kat pu3, yg dropped comments kat my blog, thank u so much..
to LOVE's family, thanks for the call :D
alaaaaa..... rase sekejap je kan mase berlalu...
dah habis dh worldstars..
rindu laaa kat korang sumerrr... sob sob..
contact2 kiter tao..
oh yeahh.. tadi kiter talked to LOVE.. heee..
rindu laa kat dier... i love you la MD.***** ! :D
LOVE nak kelua with cousins nak beli hadiah for CIK LINA.. :)
waahh... baiknye nephew cik lina ni kan :P hehehe
stay beautiful and sporting! hehehe
haiishhh.. rindunye pu3 kat blog pu3 ni..
tapi ni pu3 dh tak tau nak cakap aper lagy dahh.. huhuhu
so i'll stop here..
nanti ader mase pu3 update lagy ek..
fyi, pu3 balik brunei on the 10th! :)
okay, bubye!
putri ;) xoxo
how's life earthlings?
sorry lamer tak update.. heee
after the worldstars final pu3 balik kampung..
and dekat my kampung no network coverage mehhhh.... huhuhu
sadis babe! :((
ni kebetulan hari ni my aunt ajak klua dari kampung nak beli bende sikit...
so pu3 pun ambik kesempatan ahh singgah internet cafe! ehhhheeee...
oh yeah, lets talk about the worldstars final..
BEST seyhh...
and im missing all my people...
kak izan, hara, rafi, zul, kak sarah, abg bob, suib, pat,emeer, kak tom,Iqwal, semualah!
nanti ader rezki kiter jumpe lg tau guys...
congratulations to KAK TOM (RAJA FARAH), kak SARAH, abg BOB, kak ASMIDAR coz dapat pegi hollywood for vocal category.. heee
bawak balik pingat emas banyak2 tao! ;D
for model category, RAM, hang jgn lupa kat aku ehh.. hehehe
nice knowing you buddy!
wilson,kak dila and the other akak.. heee sorry tak ingat nama..
but anyways, CONGRATZ you all! ;))
untuk instrumental pulak, TUKU' KAME' u're the best!!!
and for the dance category, well done ARTISTANA! hee
untuk akak PUTRI MARDIANA, cheyhh fullname gitu! hahaha
all the best ye kat hollywood nanti.. belakon best2! heheehee
to those yg tak berjaye tu takpe, taun depan kita cuba lagy ye! hahaha
and oh yeahhh, i wanna thank my fam yg datang support!
my parents of course!
Hans & Faiz, thanks alot for coming..
angah adi & wife serta kawan2, hehe terima kasih ye datang support!
to those yg hantar sms kat pu3, yg dropped comments kat my blog, thank u so much..
to LOVE's family, thanks for the call :D
alaaaaa..... rase sekejap je kan mase berlalu...
dah habis dh worldstars..
rindu laaa kat korang sumerrr... sob sob..
contact2 kiter tao..
oh yeahh.. tadi kiter talked to LOVE.. heee..
rindu laa kat dier... i love you la MD.***** ! :D
LOVE nak kelua with cousins nak beli hadiah for CIK LINA.. :)
waahh... baiknye nephew cik lina ni kan :P hehehe
stay beautiful and sporting! hehehe
haiishhh.. rindunye pu3 kat blog pu3 ni..
tapi ni pu3 dh tak tau nak cakap aper lagy dahh.. huhuhu
so i'll stop here..
nanti ader mase pu3 update lagy ek..
fyi, pu3 balik brunei on the 10th! :)
okay, bubye!
putri ;) xoxo