okay...ASSALAMUALAIKUM semua :)
lastnight, after buka puasa, we celebrated Qilahcuzy's birthday kat rumah NENEK.. :D
siok! meriah! hahaha
siok! meriah! hahaha
but then Qilah taknak ambik gambar so yeah.. NO GAMBAR lah! -.-"
but but the cake CUTE... :))
but but the cake CUTE... :))
and yesterday, went out with IBU & ma lil Cousin FITRI..
pegy The Mall, beli barang sikit untuk kat hostel..
got EXPO wahh.. yatah ramai urang... hehe
And and AUNTY SUZANNE pun ader booth sendiri sehh.. heee
i love Aunty Suzanne alot! she's so funny! :DDD
of course, ADEB pun ada sana :D
batah inda jumpa deb..
dah potong rambut nampak?
orang cakap biler rambut da pendek gitu, muke dekat sama macam his "so-called-friend" abeh marah :PP
hahaha nada bah deb... eksen ku... :PP
then met Abg Khai with his GF...
adek his GF is sooooooooooooooo ADORABLEE CUTE!
yes that's BABY SYIFA :DD
isnt she lovely? lovelovesamadia. :)
and yg lelaki tu adeb..
and yg pegang baby tu pu3.. :P k.tu tak perlu eh. (-.-)
manyak bikin susah lerr...
and and lastnight slept late, like real late!
after sahur baru tidur...
then got a message from boyfie saying "GOOD MORNING LOVE..." at 7.10am..
tapi because my eyes telampau ngantuk sangat so, tidak terlayan secara on time lah message itu.. :P
then MIRAgirlfriend called me at 10.18am...
itu baru la bangun betol2, coz she said she wanna pick me up coz dia mintak temankan pegy STPRI nak ambil slip...
so yeah... mandi and all...
sekali yeahhh... kami ke STPRI lah! :D
then after that balik LCB..
Mira stayed with me coz dia lagi nak tengok2 LCB...
*bh bh MIRA sini saja kau belajar saja sama aku.. haahaha*
then kami duduk kat dalam my room, we talktalked then laughlaughed.. hahaha
MISS YOU EH! then talk to MIA.. hahaha cali :P
bah FRIDAY kamu!!! :DDD
oh yess CIGU JURAI... we'll see ya on FRIDAY..
gonna have Sungkai with my 2GIRLFRIENDS MIA & MIRA and also cikgu Jurai friday ani...
like yay!! :DDDD
sekali, me being so rajin.. si PUTRI memasak di hostel. bahh. hahaha
no lahh.. masak bende simple jer.. HOHO.
but then MIRA inda jadi sungkai sama saya. ;(
inda apalah, friday saja!... heeee excited ku eyhhhhh. :D HOOOYAAA! :DD
sowwy sowwy...*awww... miss lah dengan dier... LOVE selalu cakap gitu* :P hahaha
so taaaadddaaaaa............
tu lah yang saya masak... tp belum siap sangat itu... :P teehee.
tu lah yang saya masak... tp belum siap sangat itu... :P teehee.
and then KAMI sungkai RAMAI2 in my room... like YAY! haha
KAMI= me, Ibu, Fay, Ayu and Ming Li. :))
next time lagi girls ahhh..
tomorrow pu3 sungkai di rumah... :))
oh yeahhhh.... gonna miss my BabyLOVE muchmuch nihhh... ): ): ):
he'll be goin to KL this 3rd till 15th Sep....
working... yeahhhh.... work hard ey LOVE... no i mean WORK WELL ;)
LOVE's Mommy will be goin with him, but LOVE's mommy lagi kena balik awal sikit...
so after that Baba & Aki will accompany LOVE...
im sure everything's gonna be alright... :)
okayyy.. i gotta go now...
so... bubyee earthlings :DDD
oh oh, and I LOVE YOU baby... :DDD
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