Friday 14 May 2010

ayam penyet is loved!

Hello my beloved readers..

im so stressed up! huhuhu
law assignment masih tak siap lagi.. huwaaa..
manyak susah woo ini Business Law.. :(
but but nvm, sikit lgi siap ah ni...
one more question to go.. JUST ONE! YEAY!! *buat2 happy senangkan hati* :P hehe

oh yeah, esok malam will be watching P2F 9th concert :D
wahhhh then we'll go memenyet lagi with my BOO'S :D
Serious uh.. ayam penyet di tamu selera atu (y) ini macam yaww.. :D

last week's concert SHAH & EQAH tersingkir...
sad... :(
but takpe, u guys still have a long way to go.. :D

let me share some of the photos taken last week..
ni gambar semua adek&baby yg snapped! :D thanks sweethearts :D

ayam penyet siapa tu inda habis atu ah..? si adek tu ;p

supermodel di tengah malam :P haha

ada ninja turtle belakang ahhhh :P heehee

thats Shah.. well, we called him AJIM he's like a little brother to me.. darinya damit ku meliat ia ani :P hahaha kan jim? ;p

i was looking for somebody :P haha takdelah.. pu3 pun tak tau pu3 cari siapa..

yg ni pulak pictures taken during TELBRU BAZAAR hari tuu.. :)

ohhh... im so missing my peeps :')

we should arrange an outing for a movie SOON guys!
cerita hantu cerita hantu ahhh! :D
hahhahaha setaie si pu3 ahh krg sama juanya takut :P wekkkk.....

sebenarnyer kn pu3 nak update y'all dengan pictures in China but then hari ni
my internet connection macam kurang memberi kerjasama :P so yeahhhh :P

next entry lah ek :)
jgn marah tau..hehe